"Every basket is like a delicious sundae surprise!"
Of course when you're making a basket you've got to start with a solid foundation, something that's going to be a substantial base that can support your delicious dessert. This could be a box, a basket, a cermaic bowl, a coffee mug. No matter the choice you're cone is just as important to think about in combination with which dessert you choose.
In this scenario the ice cream could be considered the bottom layer, before you put all of your taste-fabulous goodies on top. It's the filling underneathe the items that you choose that will also help hold your basket together. Items that could be considered ice cream could be a towel, for a spa basket, a cutting board to support the back of your kitchen themed basket, or it could be the type of paper that you choose to lower and raise your items for better display.
Next you have your toppings. Me, personally, I can't have ice cream, or rather do not enjoy ice cream by itself. I have to have toppings to really make my dessert long-lasting and satisfactory. They are what enhance the flavor of the ice cream and cone combination and without them...there truly is no point. Whether it be bath soaps, wine and cheese, or candy for a movie-themed basket you must think carefully in choosing your toppings. There has to be a purpose; a rhyme and reason for the toppings you choose because otherwise you end up with something that simply is neither appealing nor appetizing.
Last, to top off your after-dinner delight you must have your whipped cream and cherry. Even if you don't particularily like whipped cream or cherries, most order sundaes without asking for it to be taken off because they figure that someone else they're sharing with might want it. This is true in the basket creating business as well and a delicious sundae surprise just isn't the same without it.
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